How to Open a Champagne Bottle with Champagne Knife in a Right Way?

If you are going to host a birthday party or a dinner party for your friends or family members, then the essential thing will be a champagne bottle. As a champagne bottle is the symbol of celebrations, so, everyone loves to keep it in the menu list of parties. But there is a severe concern about opening a champagne bottle. Not everyone knows the exact method of opening a champagne bottle. You can’t open in easily with your fingers because of the tight wooden lid. Therefore, fingers and hands aren’t used for the champagne bottle opening.

Most of the people prefer to use a champagne knife (saber) for this purpose. Yes, a champagne knife is the right way for the bottle opening. It is also the best way to lighten up your precious moments of parties while saying, “Cheers!!!” If you also want to know the exact method of the champagne bottle opening, then all steps are mentioned in this content. Following these steps will surely help you in making your party’s environment more entertaining. So, let’s have a quick overview of the champagne bottle opening steps.
Four steps to open a Champagne Bottle with a Saber (Champagne Knife):
If you are looking for the steps of “How to open a champagne bottle with a knife,” then read four below mentioned steps. These are the necessary steps that you can do with any champagne knife and bottle. Try to read all of them.
  • First of all, make sure to chill your champagne bottle to the fullest. A glass of hot champagne won’t be useful for the parties.
  • Get a champagne knife. You can use the back of a knife or a blunt blade to prevent the bottle from breaking.
  • Removing the wire cage and foil paper is an essential thing. It is a simple process but be careful from the cork of the bottle.
  • Get the right angle position to prevent the damage. You need to practice twice or thrice on a simple water bottle or other champagne-like the bottle.

If you are thinking that setting the angle of a champagne bottle is a normal process, then you are wrong. You must practice it with a simple water bottle to set the angles. Otherwise, you won’t be able to open the bottle in a single attempt with a champagne knife.

Moreover, the ninja knives aren’t the alternative of the champagne knife as some people think. Neither ninja swords nor the long type of blades is the best option for opening a champagne bottle.
After reading points mentioned above, if you want to get infographics points, then they are also available under for the interested users. These step-wise guide will be beneficial for your parties. You can impress your gathering by opening the champagne bottle like a pro in single attempt with the saber.

Choose your Champagne bottle:

Before moving towards an expensive champagne bottle, you can practice champagne knife on the cheap ones. It is also the right way to lessen the loss of money. For this purpose, you can choose a wide-bottomed champagne bottle. Place the bottle in a refrigerator for almost 1-2 hours. This way, the pressure of wine will lower down, and less champagne will pour on the ground. 

Therefore, chilling is considered as the crucial step in the champagne industry. If you want to get full sort of entertainment from the bottle, then try to chill it for 1-2 hours minimum in a fridge. Otherwise, you will lose your money and won’t get any entertainment factor.  

Choose a well-balanced knife:

The second step that is also very crucial is, “Choosing a Well-Balanced Champagne Knife.” Yes, a knife has a significant role in this process. If you are thinking about the ancient samurai swords or the ninja swords, then drop that ideas from your mind. You need to buy a saber for this purpose. A saber is a champagne knife or an ordinary knife that you may get from your kitchen.

You can also choose the back of saber or a blunt blade for this purpose. Don’t go with an old knife. Otherwise, it will break the champagne bottle as it isn’t made for this purpose. If you want to check some great champagne knives, then you can click here. Here you can get a wide range of champagne knives at reasonable prices.

Remove wire cage and foil paper carefully:

The third step is to remove the moisture from the water bottle surface. Yes, it is also a vital step. It will reduce the slippery factor, and opening bottle process will become more comfortable and safer for you. Take out the bottle from the icebox and remove the moisture by keeping it away from your respected guests.

Pointing container away from your friends and family members will also reduce the risk of any injury. Hold the bottom side of the bottle with your one hand. There will be wire cage around the cork, lose it, and then remove it. As pressure is present inside the champagne bottle, therefore, be careful while doing this process. These are some essential tips for those who are looking to open champagne with a knife for the very first time.

Get yourself into the right angle:

In the second last step, you need to find the correct angular position of the bottle. If you open the bottle according to your own choice, then there are only chances that it gets burst because of the excessive pressure of champagne. Therefore, a proper angle is very vital to open the bottle more carefully. Set the bottle at 35-45 degrees and place the knife at the neck of the bottle. For checking the bottle’s surface, run the knife slowly and gently from bottom to neck.

Now, the very last step is quite funny. Hold the bottle at 45 degrees in your left hand and a knife in the right side. Try to run the champagne knife quickly from the middle of the bottle towards the neck. When the blade reaches the neck part, then the cork in the head will shoot off while squeezing the pressure out from the bottle. It will be the exact time of celebrating your moments as champagne will be in the air with “Cheers!!!” slogan. Don’t miss out the part when champagne with pressure comes out from the bottle.

Pour champagne in a glass and enjoy:

The pressure coming out from the bottle is indicating the freshness of champagne. Therefore, don’t worry about high pressure. After the pressure lowers down, you can pour the champagne in the glasses for your guests.

These are the simple steps that will guide you about the opening of a champagne bottle. If you want to learn some other amazing facts, then you can subscribe to our newsletter or do revisit our blog.
