10 Mysterious Facts for the fans of LOTR Trilogy

There are several facts in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy through which you won’t be familiar yet. Due to these points, several changes occurred in the Script and scenes of LOTR trilogy. The auditions for the role of Frodo, Viggo Mortensen for the Aragorn’s character are boiling points from the below-mentioned ten. Therefore, they are fascinating to be learned. If you think that you are a fan of LOTR, then reading the full content is a must thing.

  •          The role of ARAGORN was challenging to cast
  •          Russel Crowe was the backup of Viggo Mortensen for Aragorn’s character
  •          The role of Frodo given to Jake Gyllenhaal after an audition
  •          Christopher LEE requested Tolkien for the position of Gandalf
  •          Viggo Mortensen had to face several injuries
  •          The Script wasn’t understandable for Sean Connery
  •          Killing A Hobbit was the wish of Producer, Jackson
  •          Sean trekked up the whole mountain in his Boromir gear
  •          A fight scene went in vain because of flood
  •          Women were used as extras in “The Two Towers” & “The Return of the King.”

1: The role of ARAGORN was challenging to cast:


Jackson decided to give the role of Aragorn to Nicolas Gage. He accepted the proposal at that time, but later, he turned it down. He said, “I have some family reasons due to which I am not able to play the role of Aragorn.” Jackson was a bit amazed by his decision as the Role of Aragorn was one of the most popular ones in the LOTR. He contacted Stuart Townsend, who was a famous Irish Actor. But the director of LOTR played a terrible game with him. In a tweet, Stuart Townsend wrote,

         “I was there for training and rehearsing for more than two months. Later, I was fired by the director the day before the beginning of filming.”

After that, Jackson went to the older actor, Viggo Mortensen. He took the responsibility of Aragorn’s role in LOTR. He also took this decision because of his son Henry. As Henry was a big fan of LOTR, therefore, Viggo Mortensen decided to play this role for making his son happy.
The production and film making of LOTR delayed a few days, because of this reason. So, it was an adamant time for the direction and production team of LOTR as one person rejected the proposal, the second person was fired, and third-person took the decision because of his son.
  •          Nicolas Gage rejected the proposal.
  •          Stuart Townsend was fired because of some reason.
  •          Viggo Mortensen made the decision because of his son.
The decision of Viggo Mortensen went very fruitful for him and the production team. He played the role of Aragorn like a genuine one and went very popular around the globe. Due to his amazing acting skills, Aragorn's sword also becomes very popular. He also won many awards because of his pure acting skills in the LOTR movie.

2: Russell Crowe was the backup of Viggo Mortensen for Aragorn’s role:

We already know that the character of Aragorn was quite challenging to cast because of several reasons. Therefore, Jackson doesn’t want to take a risk after contacting Viggo Mortensen. He decided to keep two actors for the replacement or backup character.
  •          Russel Growe
  •       Jason Patric
In an interview, Jackson said, “We sent a copy of Aragorn’s role script to Russel Growe. He was quite amazed to read the fascinating Script. We also got a phone call from his assistant. He told that Russel was ready to become Aragorn, but he has some other commitments. Moreover, he had just finished a Gladiator movie with armor and sword. That’s why he won’t be available for the Aragorn’s role.”

Russel was also happy by Jackson’s approach. But due to his commitments, he wasn’t ready for the role of Aragorn. Therefore, Jackson went to Jason Patric for a backup. He accepted the proposal of Aragorn’s reserve. But there wasn’t the need for backup as Viggo Mortensen played the integral role of Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings movie.

3: The role of Frodo given to Jake Gyllenhaal after an audition:

Peter Jackson decided to give the role of Frodo to a person who will pass the test. Yes, he conducted interviews of hundreds of people to select the best person for the position of Frodo. Jackson also interviewed Jake Gyllenhaal. Although he was less successful in the initial stage of his interview. But later, when Jackson told him that the conversation would be in pure British Accent, he made his way to the Frodo’s role.

Yes, it was a long process. Jackson took auditions of hundreds of people. After playing a successful role of Frodo in the LOTR Trilogy, Jake recalled the memory of the interview by saying that it was one of the worst auditions is life. No doubt, Jake played a brilliant role, and due to his acting skills, he also got many awards based on his performance of Frodo. It won’t be wrong to say that Frodo was one of the most challenging roles to play, but Jake did it brilliantly.

4: Christopher LEE requested Tolkien for the position of Gandalf:

If you are a fan of LOTR, then you will be familiar with the superfan, Cristopher Lee. He met Tolkien and told him his wish that he wants to play the role of Gandalf. Initially, the role of Gandalf was in the hands of Sir Ian McKellen.
  •          Christopher Lee also played the role of Wizard in “The Adventures of Robin Hood” Tv series.
Based on this Wizard Role, he told Tolkien that he is 100% interested in the role of Gandalf. Lee also sent his pictures of Wizard Duds. But all his wishes went into a vein, as he was not awarded the role of Gandalf in LOTR. It was a great decision by Jackson as Sir Ian McKellen played the role of Gandalf very well. He also got many awards due to his excellent performance. It could not be wrong to say that LOTR did a great business because of the fantastic performance of McKellen.

5: Viggo Mortensen had to face several injuries:

It wasn’t an easy task for the Viggo Mortensen to play the role of Aragorn in the LOTR trilogy. He had to face several injuries during the movie shooting. Sometimes, he got wounds on his feet, and sometimes, his hands got injured. Moreover, “The Two Towers” was the hardest part of his shooting.
  •          He broke his toes after kicking a helmet in “TTT.”
  •          He also lost his half tooth in a fighting scene in “TTT.”
But these injuries weren’t turned out to be a hurdle for the excellent performance of Viggo. He didn’t care about the injuries and gave his 100% in the shooting. Jackson also admired his performances during the injuries.

Other than these, there were many other occasions when Viggo too various beatings. In short, the character of Aragorn was not very easy to play by the Viggo. But he kept his nerves cool and calm. Due to such fighting and beating scenes, he won many awards from various award ceremonies of the world. Notably, the swords of Aragorn went very viral around the globe.

6: The Script wasn’t understandable for Sean Connery:

As Peter Jackson was in favor of giving the role of Gandalf to Sean Connery, but the response of Sean helped Jackson to change his mind. Yes, it was an easy decision for Jackson as Sean couldn’t understand the Script of Gandalf. Due to this, Jackson also conducted auditions of several people. After the release of LOTR, Sean wrote,
  • I saw the whole movie, but I didn’t understand the role of Gandalf. The same was the case when I read the Script. How could I do something for 18 months when I do not understand the main point.
If Connery went for the role of Gandalf, then he would get 15% share from the income of the movie. Moreover, he would also get fees for the position of Gandalf. It was a great decision by Sean Connery as he couldn’t understand the main Script of Gandalf. Due to this, Producer got the best person.

7: Killing A Hobbit was the wish of Producer, Jackson:

The Trilogy of Lord of the Rings was made at the Miramax in the initial phase of development. After that, it found a “New Line Cinema” as a home. In the new house story development, the Producer of this Trilogy wanted to kill one of the four hobbits. He proposed his thoughts that killing one of the hobbits will create more suspense in the movie.

But the director wasn’t convinced by his thoughts. He thought that killing one hobbit will not allow us to use them in the future movies of LOTR trilogy. Therefore, we can’t do this thing as it is needed for future sake. But he considered the idea seriously.

In my opinion, they will surely use this idea in future projects. Therefore, stay tuned to this website to get more exciting news about the LOTR Trilogy and other popular movies from all over the world.

8: Sean trekked up the whole mountain in his Boromir Gear:

Sean Bean opted to walk instead of going on a helicopter. Yes, it is true. In “The Fellowship of the Rings” filming location, he decided to reach on the mountain’s top by walking. In an interview, he said,
  •          As I am afraid of flying, therefore, I preferred walking instead of going by helicopter.
He climbed the whole mountain by wearing his Boromir Gear. Due to heavy costume, he took two hours to reach the targeted locations of filming along with Boromir Sword. Entire LOTR team was quite amazed to see Sean Bean on the targeted point after climbing the mountain in his Boromir Costume.

9: A fight scene went in vain because of a flood:

In “The Fellowship of the Rings,” a whole fighting scene went into a vain because of the wave. The entire team of LOTR trilogy went to Anduin river for filming a beautiful view. All things were adjusted to their relative positions. In the meantime, the flood came in the river. It spoiled all the scene of boats. Due to this, the LOTR production team bore a considerable loss.

After that, the production team of LOTR was cautious before shooting any scene. They checked environment conditions before setting the stage of every single scene shooting. I am sure; you must not be aware of this incident. If you are, then you are one of the biggest fans of LOTR Trilogy.

10: Women were used as extras in “The Two Towers” & “The Return of the King”:

LOTR trilogy used various women in beards in the “The Two Towers” and “The Return of the King.” Yes, you heard it right. New Zealand is full of women who know how to ride a horse; therefore, women with fake beards were used in various scenes.

The production house of the LOTR trilogy got several benefits from this act. Firstly, they saved hundreds of dollars by not casting men in the scenes. Secondly, the women riders weren’t from the expert level. If you see the views of horse riding clearly in “The Two Towers,” then you can surely differentiate men and women riders.

These are some of the significant points that will be unfamiliar for you before reading. I am sure, after reading these points, you might notice them when you will watch LOTR trilogy again.

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